martedì 6 luglio 2010

STUDIO UNIVERSAL. Integrated campaign.

CREATIVE CONCEPT: The american cinema as it should be.
CREATIVE SOLUTION: The school of american cinema is born. Teacher is Studio Universal


Tilte 1: Lips must blend gently, leaving just a little space for the tongue to slide inside the mouth. Everything for no longer than 24 seconds.

Tag line: That's a kiss in the american cinema.

Title 2: The blood must splash vigorously and stain the shirt part of the walls, and leave the victim only few seconds to whisper a unique understandable word.

Tag line: That's a thriller in the american cinema.


Every month is a cinema's landscape to hang up on the wall


The Univeristy of Studio Universal. You can choose a classroom and have an interactive lesson. For example the screaming room, in order to learn the perfect scream or the perfect stab using the web cam. When a visitor comes to the web site, a viral teacher gives you the possibility to make a virtual tour of the college.

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