mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011

NISSAN EVALIA (European launch)

Watch the commercial here.


In 2004 Philip Morris started 'Programma Insieme' (literally:
togetherness programme), a loyalty programme aimed at specific
dealers, selected according to the level of service offered, in terms
of selection, visibility and availability.

The programme's partakers are entitled to one or more items listed in
the catalogue, depending on individual dealers.

To increase loyalty and daily contact with dealers, Philip Morris also
created the web portal 'Programma Insieme'.

What we are requesting is to create a papery catalogue, containing all
2012 prices, keeping in mind the main goal: to draw the target
population closer to the digital sphere, increasing the traffic of the
Philip Morris web portal, 'Programma Insieme' and conveying the new
platform's 'Comunicare Insieme 2.0'


The "togetherness programme". zip pack

venerdì 9 settembre 2011